Chapter 12 - PatientChart



The Scribe PatientChart Module is an EMR “lite”, designed to allow the Healthcare Practitioner the freedom and flexibility to manage Medical Records Information without spending unnecessary extra hours inputting Patient Data for each new visit.


The Healthcare Practitioner or Practice decides which information needs to be carried forward from one Patient visit to the next, making only those edits needed at the time of the visit, freeing up the Practitioner to spend more time with the Patient, relieving Administrative staff from repetitious data entry and potentially eliminating the need for paper records altogether.


To view details on the many aspects of this powerful tool, you can click through a demo of PatientChart now.



PatientChart can be integrated into a Physician or group practice with or without an Inbound Integration to Scribe.


PatientChart Overview (product cut sheet)

PatientChart work flow with an Inbound Integration to Scribe

PatientChart work flow without an Inbound Integration to Scribe



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