Queue Page Functions |
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Filters and Sorting
After successfully logging into the system, your queue will display.
You may filter your queue by selecting a particular Priority, Due Within parameters, or Label. The user may also filter the queue by typing the Doctor (Last Name). In the example below, by typing in the MD’s last name, Lindquist, and tabbing out of the field, the queue will only display dictations for Steven Lindquist. To remove the filter, click on the “Clear” button.
You may also sort the queue by clicking on any of the column headings. In the example below, by clicking on the Priority column heading, the queue will display the dictations in priority order.
Feedback, Account, Management and Reports
Feedback - allows the user to view MD feedback received on finished transcriptions. For details and instructions on using Feedback, click here.
Account - allows the user to change password and email address.
Management - this function only available by Permission with Scribe Complete
Reports - allows the user to generate reports necessary for billing purposes. For information on running reports, click here.
Download and Refresh
Download - allows the user to download voice files to the computer's hard drive. The user will be prompted to “Open” or “Save” the voice file.
Refresh – allows the user to refresh the queue for any new dictations.
Downloading Multiple Files
To highlight multiple dictations for Downloading, click on the first dictation and while holding the shift key, click on the last dictation. This will highlight the first and last dictation and all the dictations in the middle.
Queue Icons
Speaker icon - allows the user to play the voice file from the queue.
Lock icon – allow the user to see that the dictation is being typed by another user. To see who has it lock hover over the lock. In this example, the dictation is locked by Scribe MT Lindquist.
No/Anti icon – this indicates the dictation/transcription has been rejected by the MD.
Word icon – this indicates the template was preselected by the MD at the time of dictation.
Dictation ID and RefID
ID - This is the system generated dictation ID.
RefID – Phone dictations will have a unique number in this column. This number is given to the dictator at end of the phone dictation. Dictations from digital voice recorders will have the same number as the dictation id.
Creating and Viewing Transcriptions
MT Platform 3.1 allows the user to see what transcriptions are linked to the dictation from the queue page. In this example, Dictation 4090716 has one transcription, 6511710.
In this example, dictation 4077357 has two transcriptions, 5979038 and 6684790.
To type a dictation, click on “Add new transcription . . . “ or click the Enter button.