Queue Page Icons

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This blue icon will be seen in the “Transcriptions” window below the queue, if a transcription shown has had feedback applied.


Speaker icon - allows the user to play the voice file from the queue.




Lock icon – allow the user to see that the dictation is being typed by another user.  You can hover your mouse over the lock to see the name of the user who has locked the dictation.




Null/Anti icon – this indicates the dictation/transcription has been rejected by the MD.




Word icon – when the VRS phone system is used, this indicates the template was preselected by the MD at the time of dictation.




Comment icon - indicates a comment has been attached to the dictation either by the MTE, the QA user or MTQA user.




Labels – can be applied by MTE, QA user or MTQA user as needed.




M*Modal icon (with draft and from scratch)

The blue M*Modal icon without a red check mark indicates a record that did NOT return a draft, and will need to be typed from scratch. The M*Modal icon WITH a red check mark indicates a draft has been created via the M*Modal Speech Understanding Engine.

