Re-running the MS Vista regedit script after updates

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When you try to open a Microsoft Office Word 2007 document, a Microsoft Office Excel 2007 document, or a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 document in Windows Internet Explorer 7, the document may not open in the same window as Internet Explorer. Instead, a new Word 2007, Excel 2007, or PowerPoint 2007 window opens to display the document.


This behavior is by design. The 2007 Microsoft Office system intentionally does not set a BrowserFlags registry key for its file types. This behavior keeps 2007 Office files from opening inside same window as Internet Explorer.



Follow the instructions in MS Vista Setup to create and install the MS recommended regedit script file. When microsoft updates, roll back the registry changes created by this file, do the following:


1.Close out of all programs.
2.Double-click your filename.reg file (previously saved to your desktop). the script will automatically run.
3.Within less than 2 minutes, the registry edit changes will be compete, and MS Word will open normally again within the Scribe browser.