Scribe Template Modification and Upload

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Scribe Template Modification and Upload


When creating a new template, or making changes to a current template, it is often easiest to use an existing template as the basis for a new one. Existing Templates can be found in the Scribe template library, under the Admin tab.


Access the Scribe User or Group template library:

1.Logon to Scribe
2.Click on the Admin tab and logon to the Administrative platform
3.Type in the group or user name in the Search pane, and click Search
4.Click on the group or user ID hyperlink (this takes you to the Profile page)
5.Click on the Library tab and then on the “templates” hyperlink
6.Click on the template hyperlink to select a template to save to your hard drive.  This will serve as the basis for your new template.


Modify the selected template:

1.Edit the template as you would any MS Word document.
2.NOTE: Click “Alt + F9” to view the hidden “document properties” fields.  These should not be edited unless you have knowledge of how to do so, although they can be selected and moved, or deleted like regular text.  These fields will auto-populate information such as Patient Name, Date of Service, MRN, etc (see MS Word Template Creation Guide 2” for detailed information on available “document properties tags” and how to insert them into a document).
3.Click “Alt + F9” to hide the “document properties” fields again. These must be hidden before upload of the template to the group or user Scribe template library.
4.Once 1 – 3 are complete, save your changes, and close your document.


Upload your template to the Scribe Template Library:

1.Login to Scribe
2.Click on the Admin tab and login again
3.Type in the group or user name in the Search pane (depending on whether you want the template uploaded to the whole group or just the user), and click Search
4.Click on the group or user ID hyperlink (this takes you to the Profile page)
5.Click on the Library tab and then on the “templates” hyperlink
6.If you are adding a new template, click the “New” button.  Follow the onscreen directions to browse for and upload your new template.
7.If you are replacing a template, click the “Replace” button to the right of the current template, and follow the onscreen directions to browse for and upload your new template.
8.The system will alert you that the upload was successful.