Setting Line Count Items |
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In the examples below the interactions between MT Character difference, MT line count formula and line counting are explained. Once you understand this, billing can be greatly simplified.
Seen below is the Line Formula Information table from the MT Group Processing page in Adminxp4.
Rounding – can be made to the Floor, Ceiling or “Round” (i.e. rounded down or up to the nearest whole number OR ____________) Precision – Chars/Line – the example above shows that 65 characters = one line Characters – the example above indicates that each character typed has a count of “1” Template % - this field adjusts how Template lines (lines pre-existing in the template NOT typed by the MT) are counted in billing.
Gross lines – this method of counting (not used here in the example above) will count any line with a carriage return as a whole line. Set all the multipliers for the normal counts and the template field to 0, as Character differences don't directly affect gross line counts.
You Can subtract blank lines from the gross count by making the blanks mulitplier -1.
Blanks /Caps /Symbols /Bold /Underline /Italic /Shapes – here you can set how many characters you choose each of these to represent.
For example, as Capitalization takes two keystrokes (1 to turn on and one to turn off) you may choose to set Caps at “2”. Then the word BOLD would be counted as 6.
Once these formulas are set,
In this example, this Follow Up Template is adding 300 characters. Note: If you were subtracting the characters, it would be -300.
MT Group Line Formula
As part of the line count calculation, the user needs to know which MT Group the document using the Follow up Template was created from. In this example, the line formula is subtracting out 100% of templates lines. This is noted by the -1 in the Template % field. To give the MT 100% credit for template lines, put 1 in this field. To follow this logically, to give the MT credit for 25% of template lines, put 0.25 in this field.
LineCounts.Com for Template For this line counting example, the Follow Up Template has the following statistics.
Line Counts.Com for Finished Transcription with the Follow Up Template For this line counting example, this transcription which utilized the Follow Up Template has the following statistics.
Based on this information, we can now calculate the MT Line Count for this finished transcription.
Character Total for Template Total Characters of Template (per the 654 Add MT Character Difference (per the Sake Follow Up Template) 300 Grand Total Characters of Template 954
MT Line Count Calculation for Completed Transcription Total Characters of Finished Transcription (per 1,224 Per the MT Group Line Count Formula, subtract out 100% of Grand Total Template Lines -954 Grand Total Characters per the MT Line Count Calculation 270
Per the MT Group Line Count Formula, divide by 65 character Count (270/65) 4.15
Per the MT Group Line count Formula, round to floor 4