Adjusting Report Criteria

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Upon clicking the "Reports" button the the MT platform you will be directed to the Scribe MT System - Reports page. Prior to running reports, you will need to select your reporting criteria in the left hand Criteria pane.






Review the options for streamlining reporting criteria below, prior to running reports. This will ensure that your reports will run quickly, smoothly and contain the desired information.


Note that the use of [%] prior to your search terms can assist in returning the desired results.



Enter your search criteria (wildcard [%] can be used to assist the search) and click "Go". Click to select your choice from the drop-down menu.


MT group wildcard_reports

MT user wildcard_reports

MD group wildcard_reports

MD User wildcard_reports



You can further refine your search by:


Detail by_reports


"Detail By"

showing priority_reports






Entering Filename



Selecting Priority

(Summary or Detail)








Choose "Deleted Records,

Non-Deleted Records or All"

For the period_reports




Select your Date Range




Click "Generate" to run the report