Digital Signatures

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Digital Signatures (also known as electronic signature)


The topics in this chapter describe how to create a digital signature file for use on the Scribe platform. Click on the links below to navigate to the individual Topics listed:


Creating a Digital Signature

Scribe Graphic Signature Request Form

Uploading a Digital Signature


Digital Signature can increase work flow efficiency as well as creating a more attractive and professional finished document.


Digital Signature is attractive and fully customizable, available as text only or as a combination text and Word graphic of the Physician's actual signature
Digital Signature is automatically applied when the Approve button is clicked (which also moves the document into Archive), which removes the step of printing, signing and storing paper copies.
Time/date "stamp" can be applied at time of signing (optional)
Digitally signed documents can be faxed, emailed or printed directly from the /scribe platform, saving Physician and Administrative time
Digital Signature is considered a legal signature by most institutions