Phone System Customization

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How You Can Customize Your Scribe Dictation System


Dictation system greeting: the greeting that’s played after you log in to the dictation system.
oDefault: A TTS (Text To Speech) voice will announce your name.
oCustomization: You can press [*] at the dictation menu (after recording a dictation of course) to record your name or a greeting you’d like to hear. This option is hidden, and is not announced as part of the dictation menu, but it’s there.


Phone id: the id to log in to the dictation system.
oDefault: It’s the same as your MD user id (used internally in the database to identify a user).
oCustomization: You can pick another id as long as it’s not taken by another user and it’s under 30 digits.


Custom phone id: the id to log in to a dedicated dictation line.
oCustomization: Scribe can set up a dedicated dictation line for use by a group of users exclusively, and they can have different phone IDs for this dedicated line.


Phone PIN: the pin to log in to the dictation system.
oDefault: You will be assigned 1111 as your phone id as a new user.
oCustomization: You need to change it in the activation process when you call in to the dictation system for the first time, so that you won’t accidentally dictate into another account in the future, or somebody else wouldn’t do the same into your account.


oCustomization: You can have unlimited groups set up.


Group name
oDefault: A TTS voice will announce the groups for you to choose from.
oCustomization: We can use recorded group names instead.


oCustomization: We can set up templates for a user or a group.


Custom prompts
oCustomization: We can set up custom prompts on the user, group or template level. A custom user prompt is one that’s played when you dictate regardless of what group you are under. A group prompt is played only when you dictate under that group. A template prompt is played when you select a certain template for the dictation. All these prompts are played before you record a dictation.


Dictation menu
oDefault: [1] select a priority, [2] new dictation, [7] delete, [8] repeat dictation id, [9] new group.
oCustomization: We can set up a custom dictation menu for a group so that you can enter a different digit for an option in the Scribe dictation system. This is useful when you are used to the keys in a different dictation system, and would like to continue using the same keys for certain functionalities.