Digital Signatures (also known as electronic signature)
The topics in this chapter describe how to create a digital signature file for use on the Scribe platform. Click on the links below to navigate to the individual Topics listed:
Creating a Digital Signature
Scribe Graphic Signature Request Form
Uploading a Digital Signature
Digital Signature can increase work flow efficiency as well as creating a more attractive and professional finished document.
• | Digital Signature is attractive and fully customizable, available as text only or as a combination text and Word graphic of the Physician's actual signature |
• | Digital Signature is automatically applied when the Approve button is clicked (which also moves the document into Archive), which removes the step of printing, signing and storing paper copies. |
• | Time/date "stamp" can be applied at time of signing (optional) |
• | Digitally signed documents can be faxed, emailed or printed directly from the /scribe platform, saving Physician and Administrative time |
• | Digital Signature is considered a legal signature by most institutions |