Creating a Digital Signature for Upload to User Library
Scribe Signatures can be text only or text combined with a graphic scan of the Dictating user’s actual signature, but they must be Word (.doc file format) documents.
To create a signature that is text only, simply choose your font and font size, and type the signature, left aligned, as you wish it to appear in its final form in the Medical record.
John Doe, M.D.
Orthopaedic Medicine
Creating a signature for those familiar with working with Word graphics is a quick and easy process. for those unfamiliar with this, the steps have been broken out into their individual steps below.
To add a graphic scan of the Dictating user’s signature to the text:
1) | First add the “Crop” tool to your toolbar, as this will streamline the whole process greatly. |
a) | In your MS Word toolbar, go to “Tools”>”Customize”>and in the dialog box that appears, click the “Commands tab”. |
b) | Under the “Commands tab”, scroll down through “Categories” and select “Drawing”. Then scroll down through “Commands” until you see the “Crop” tool. |
c) | Use your cursor to “drag and drop” the “Crop” tool into your toolbar. |
Now you are ready to begin creating the graphic portion of the signature.
2) | Use the “Scribe Digital Signature form” found at the end of this document, and have the user fill it out as requested. |
3) | Take the completed form, and scan and save it into a MS Word document (.doc file format), keeping it open for editing. |
4) | Left click on the new scan image to select the image for editing. |
5) | Go into your toolbar, and click on your “Crop” tool. You can now use your cursor to crop the scanned image, removing everything except for the handwritten signature. |
6) | Once you have the signature exactly as you wish it to appear, right click within the boundaries of the signature and select “Format Picture” |
7) | In the “Format Picture” dialog box that appears, click the “Layout” tab and select “In Line With Text”. Then click the “Picture” tab and click “Compress”. |
8) | The Dialog box that next appears should be automatically configured like the first image. Make sure that the settings match, then click “OK”. You will receive a warning that compressing pictures may reduce image quality. Click “OK” again. |
9) | Now click “OK” to close the original “Format Picture” dialog box and to save changes. |
10) | Your signature should now be flush with the left margin of your Word document, in the first line of the document. Now type requested text below the graphic signature. Do not leave additional carriage returns below the text (unless you want them there) as they will be part of the digital signature and will also be part of the finished document upon approval. |
11) | Left click inside the signature boundaries to open the signature (black line will appear around it). Use your cursor to drag the “pip” at the corner of the signature to resize it to your desired size. |
12) | Once you have typed in the required text and saved and closed your document, it is ready to load into the user’s Scribe library. |
Loading your finished signature into the user library
1) | Login to the Scribe Adminxp platform (Administrative Platform) |
2) | Search for the user by last name or Scribe ID#. |
3) | Click the hyperlink to the left of the dictating user’s name to open the user’s profile. |
4) | Once the User’s profile has opened, click on the “Library” tab, then the “eSignature” hyperlink on the left hand side of the page. |
5) | Click the “Browse” button and select the digital signature file you have just created from the “Choose file” dialog box and click “Open”. |
6) | When the file name appears in the “Browse” window, click “Upload Signature File”. |
7) Within one minute the page will read “Esig is On” and ESignature successfully updated. If the page does not read "Esig is On",
click the Turn on button.
Adding E-Signature to Templates
Now that you have created your E-Signature file and loaded it onto the system, it will populate at the very end of every document approved by the MD user. If you wish to have the E-Signature appear in a specific place in a template or a transcription file, you will have to add the replacement tag: Scribe_DigitalSig <---- Note: Exact spelling and capital letters are required for E-signature to populate correctly.
The Scribe_DigitalSig replacement tag is different than the Word Doc tags you created earlier, which required going into the advanced properties menu. Simply typing Scribe_DigitalSig will cause the users E-Signature to populate in the transcription, nothing else needs to be done.
If you wanted to add the E-Signature to the template you created earlier, this would be accomplished in the following manner:
(The body of your template is listed below)
Re: AutoLName, AutoFName
Visit: AutoVisit
Dear Dr. Smith:
Thank you once again for this kind referral. I will continue to keep you informed about his/her progress.
Once the MD user approves a file their E-Signature will appear where the Scribe_DigitalSig tag appears.