Account Specifications

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When creating draft documents, AnyModal CDS will adhere to Account Specifications identified by your supervisor.  These may include abbreviation rules and time and date formatting.  You should be very familiar with Account Specifications – every account has some rules you must follow!  These rules may include numeric dates, such as 01/01/10, even if the dictation is “January 1, 2010”.

These account specifications are adhered to when creating draft documents for you to edit.  You are responsible for verifying that the account specifications are appropriately adhered to in both transcribed and edited documents.  No changes will be applied to account specifications once you submit the document.

Examples of Account Specifications

In the examples below, Dictated refers to what the doctor said – or what you heard. Draft reads refers to what the draft contains – what you read.  When working with drafts, sometimes what you hear and what you read are not the same due to the decisions made when applying account specifications.

If you have any questions, speak to your supervisor or trainer.

oDictated: December thirty first two thousand and six
oDraft reads: 12/31/2006
oDictated: two o’clock
oDraft reads: 2:00
oDictated: milligrams
oDraft reads: mg
oDictated: meds
oDraft reads: medications
Medication Directives
oDictated: daily
oDraft reads: q.d.