Foot Pedal Installation Help

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Occasionally MTE users will have difficulty installing their foot pedal. Scribe and M*Modal have provided a fix to this foot pedal issue.  The following are the installation instructions.

Installation Steps (Use these steps to correct the issue on other MTEs machines)

1.Request the Web file from your Administrator or Account Manager.
2.Save Web to the user’s desktop.
3.Unzip the file
4.Open the folder AnyModalFootpedal
5.Locate the file AnyModalFootpedal.INF
6.Right-click the file and select Install
7.After the drivers have been installed, open the file InstallAndTestFootpedal.htm
8.If you get prompted about allowing Active X controls to run, select Allow Blocked Content
9.Click Select Footpedal, select the appropriate type and click OK
10.Press the footpedal buttons and you should see the appropriate controls “light up” in the Internet Explorer window.  If they do, the installation has worked successfully.
11.You should then be able to login to Scribe’s platform, open a job, and use the foot pedals.