Reference Tab

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Contacts - If you wish to keep an online address book, click New to enter information. This address book can be used to auto-enter email and fax numbers when electronically sending documents.


Note: If your group has a GROUP (global) address book loaded, only the Address Book Administrator (usually one of the group's Office managers or Secretaries is chosen to be the Administrator) can edit those entries. GROUP Address Book entries are designated by an asterisk (*).


You may add your own contacts to the list but they will not become part of the group address book and will be visible only in your account's contact list.


Click New to add a new address to your address book.


Scribe Lite Reference Contacts1


After adding a contact, click Save to save your entries.


Scribe Lite Reference Contacts2



Templates - see Template/Digital Signature Creation for a full description of Template Creationand Upload to your Scribe Template Library.


Macros - allows the user to enter and store blocks of text for use by the MT, to streamline the transcription process, and standardize verbiage and style. Signature macro can also be stored here. Macros are entered here in the Reference tab in the user account, but are only available during transcription on the MT platform.


Click the New button.


Scribe Lite Reference macros


Then enter the desired text and macro Name, click Save, or Save and Add Another. The Macro will now be available on the Scribe MT platform for use by the MT. These macros are accessible for insertion into documents by the Patient Chart user.


Scribe Lite Reference Macros1