Log Viewer

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Scribe Direct has  a built- in Log Viewer that allows the user to see the progress and results of the efforts to upload the incoming files.


There are four Screens to View:


1.Actions - What Scribe Direct has done with the voice files



This shows the files importing to the Incoming Folder that was created in the Configuration Wizard. Then once successfully uploaded to the Scribe Platform the .XML file receipt going into the log file that was created in the Configuration Wizard. Finally the voice file being transferred to the Archive Folder that was created in the Configuration Wizard (This is all time stamped with the PC's time)


2.Errors - Issues with Scribe Direct and its Configuration or profile (your PC Time zone)
3.Error Receipts - Issues with files that could not be uploaded to the Scribe platform (CST zone)
4.Success Receipts - Documents the receipt of the file to the Scribe Platform and shows the dictation ID the file was given (CST zone)