Search Pane

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The Search Pane to the left of the Documents Queue has the following options:



Select which page you wish to view

         Pending - shows dictation files waiting to be transcribed

         Inbox - shows transcribed files waiting to be Viewed, Edited and Approved

         Archive - shows files previously Approved (Approved files can be Printed, but no longer Edited)

         All - shows all files for a selected date range


Group and Owner

         Group: Use the draw down menu to choose the group you want to view (all groups is selected by default)

          Owner: Use the draw down menu to select the owner of the record you wish to view (if the account

          owner is a dictating user, their own records will be selected by default. Account Owner must have

          permission to view other group members records in order for other owners to be visible on the Owner

          draw down list)


Type (available on Inbox and Archive pages only: type is n/a until the record has been trasncribed)

       Allows for Search by specific Document type (i.e. letter, transcription, etc.).


Patient Name (available in Inbox and Archive only: Patient Name is n/a until the record has been transcribed)

         Allows for search by Patient last name


MRN (available in Inbox and Archive only: MRN is n/a until the record has been transcribed)

         Allows for search by Medical Record Number




By Clicking on Advanced Search Options in the Inbox and Archive, files can be searched for the following:


Find in file:

         Allows for a "Google-like" search of information in the document body, such as names, keywords, etc.


Tracked Events:

         Search for files that were (or were not) Printed, Approved or Downloaded within a specified date range by            a specified user.


For detailed assistance with Search Options see MD Search Tips




Dict ID Search (Pending, Inbox and Archive)

        Allows the user to search by Dictation ID (first seen on the Pending page of the Files tab) or Reference ID


        Dictation ID - unique identifier generated for each dictation file whether the file was dictated by phone or           handheld device

        Reference ID - unique identifier generated for ech dictation done on the Scribe Phone Dictation System