Documents Queue, Tool Buttons and Icons |
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The Documents Queue is your list of dictations received by Scribe and transcriptions created from those dictations (or on the platform via the New button - see below).
Document Queue (Pending) From this list, your dictations can be:
Uploaded directly to Scribe via the Upload button (see Chapter 4 - Delivering Digital Voice Files to Scribe) Moved immediately to your Inbox via the Bypass QA button (NOTE: please review "Recommended Bypass QA process" prior to using this function)
Document Queue (Inbox/Archive) is your list of transcribed records. (Where do I find my Tool Buttons?)
From this list, your records can be:
Additional Inbox Tool Buttons (visible when the document is Open)
Edit - Click to Edit your document. After it is clicked it becomes the Save button (Edit and Save are permission based). Feedback - Click to write and send feedback to the MT without Rejecting the document back to MT for correction (permission based) Approve - Click to send finished document to Archive (permission based), and to apply e-signature (if digital signature is available for the user) Reject - Click to reject the document back to MT for correction (permission based). Print - Click to Print the current document, or select multiple documents by clicking the check boxes next to the documents prior to clicking Print. Back - Click to close the current document and return to the Document Queue. Failure to close the document via the Back button will lock the document for editing by other users, until you open the document again, and close it properly, OR until the timeout period has passed (approx 40 minutes)
Other options available by permission include:
Batch Approve/Reject - the Approve and reject buttons will be visible in the Inbox prior to the records being open for Editing. This allows for approving or Rejecting multiple documents at once. Please contact your group administrator to find out if this permission is allowed by your group.
Archive Tool Buttons - are the same as Inbox buttons with the following work flow exceptions:
New Button - records can be created in Archive but cannot be electronically signed. Reject Button - not available. Records must be rejected back to MT prior to Approval. If you must reject an approved record, contact customer service to move the record to Inbox, whereupon you can again reject the record. Approve - not available. Approval and e-signature can be done from the Inbox only. Feedback - not available. Feedback can only be sent to the MT from the Inbox.
Icons Click any one of the following icons next to the record in the Inbox or Archive tabs of your MD account to activate the following: