Edit and Approve your record

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Edit and Approve Your Record


Records can be edited within the PatientChart module like any other record in Scribe.


NOTE: Once a record has been Approved, it is not recommended that it be further edited from within the PatientChart Module. If edits to an Approved document are made , they should be made from the "Files" tab on the MD platform.


PC Editor Screen


You can also insert pre-typed text for insertion anywhere in a document using the “Macros” hyperlink, to the left of the open record.


(Note: Macros can be created and customized from the Reference Tab in Scribe, by clicking on the Macros hyperlink).



PC macro1


PC macro3



Click “Save” to save your changes. You may now click “Approve” to approve the record into the Scribe Archive (and apply electronic signature if one is available in your Scribe e-signature library) or simply click “Back” to close the document.


PC Save Approve Back buttons


If your record is Approved into Archive, you may view it from the Scribe Archive or within the Patient Chart Visit by clicking on the record’s “Type” Link. A copy of the Archived record will open in a separate window.


If the record is not yet Approved, and needs further edits, these edits can be made by clicking on the record’s “Edit” Link.


PC Edit link